Are You Using the Trendy Slang Words?

Reported 9 months ago

Each generation has its own set of iconic trendy slang words. Staying up-to-date with the latest trends is essential for understanding phrases like 'I人', '破防', '觸', and more. Popular slang terms nowadays include 'I人', 'E人', '我是什麼很賤的人嗎', '破防', '觸', '很躁', '很解', '這我有', '要確欸', '我沒了', '真的會謝', 'Emo', '超派', '活網', '尊嘟假嘟', '誰懂這含金量啊', and many others. The article discusses the usage and origins of these trendy words and how they reflect current internet culture.

Source: YAHOO

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