Reported 8 months ago
A nutritionist lists five major benefits of bananas, including lowering cholesterol, controlling blood pressure, strengthening the body's antioxidant capacity, boosting mood, and containing various bioactive compounds in the peel that can combat free radicals, enhance immunity, prevent aging, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. Bananas are recommended to be consumed with milk as a juice. They are found to promote physical strength, white blood cell growth, immune function, and contain antioxidants that inhibit cancer cell growth. Additionally, the fiber and pectin in bananas enhance beneficial gut bacteria, stimulate bowel movements, reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, and improve red blood cell growth. Tips for storing bananas are also provided, such as wrapping them in plastic wrap and refrigerating or freezing them.三立新聞網2024年6月20日 下午11:50生活中心/張家寧報導
Source: YAHOO