Reported 8 months ago
The Ministry of Health and Welfare announced the top ten causes of death among Taiwanese for the year 112. Statistics show that one person dies of cancer every 9 minutes and 53 seconds, with a total of 53,126 deaths from cancer last year. Cancer accounted for 25.8% of all deaths, marking a 2.2% increase from the previous year. The leading causes of death were related to the respiratory system, prompting doctors to advise the public to pay attention to respiratory health. The top four causes of death were consistently related to respiratory system issues. The top ten cancers causing death were ranked with no changes from the previous year, but notable increases in breast and esophageal cancer standardized mortality rates were observed. Cancer and heart diseases remained the top two causes of death, with COVID-19 dropping from 3rd to 6th place compared to the previous year.
Source: YAHOO