Chengcheng Fruits and Vegetables - Specializing in Sweet Potatoes in Dacheng, Changhua

Reported 9 months ago

Yahoo Special Feature on June 28, 2024, at 2:35 am [Merchant Guide Promotion Special Edition]: Chengcheng Fruits and Vegetables located in Dacheng Township, Changhua County, Taiwan, known for its well-drained sandy soil, ideal for growing sweet potatoes organically without pesticides; focusing on high-quality sweet potato production and sales of varieties such as Tainung 57, Tainung 66, and Kintoki Chestnut Sweet Potato, known for their unique flavors and nutritional benefits. Chengcheng is promoting the diversification and branding of sweet potato crops to offer consumers a healthy dining choice and contribute to local agricultural development.

Source: YAHOO

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