Reported 8 months ago
On June 25, 2024, media reported that Chinese state media are focusing on Taiwan's TV political talk shows, actively participating in themes and scripts, and even directly monitoring in the recording studio to ensure the program meets the requirements of China's Taiwan Affairs Office. In response, veteran journalist Zhong Nianhuang expressed that the exposed program has already been taken down, Xinhua News Agency's reporter Zhao Bo has returned, and now another reporter surnamed Zhang has been sent to Taiwan. He called on the government to consider permanently revoking Xinhua News Agency's permit to report from Taiwan. According to a report by Liberty Times, the Taiwan Affairs Office contacted several Taiwanese TV stations earlier this year, with only one station agreeing to insert specific themes dictated by the office, mostly criticizing the DPP government, attempting to influence public opinion. This marks China's use of a democratic country's freedom of speech for united front work, a first in Taiwan. The issue now is whether similar situations can be prevented, and the government should consider permanently revoking Xinhua News Agency's reporting permit as they are not a media outlet but the mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party.
Source: YAHOO