Reported 8 months ago
Exclusive report: Starting from May 28, the Disease Control Bureau of the Ministry of Health and Welfare has provided a short-term special project for publicly-funded 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV23) for 50-64-year-olds. Taipei City received 9,620 doses of the vaccine and additionally purchased 3,500 doses, all of which have been fully administered last week. The target group for PPV23 publicly-funded vaccination has been adjusted to include indigenous people aged 55-64 and elderly aged 65 and above without restrictions on residency. The Taipei City Health Bureau urges those 65 and above to promptly complete the inoculation of 1 dose of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) and 1 dose of PPV23, with an interval of at least 1 year. Those who have not been vaccinated should receive PCV13 first, followed by PP23. High-risk individuals of invasive pneumococcal infection, such as those with splenic dysfunction, congenital or acquired immune deficiency, cochlear implants, cerebrospinal fluid leaks, undergoing immunosuppressive therapy or radiotherapy for malignancies and organ transplant recipients, as well as residents of institutions and dialysis patients, can receive PPV23 after an 8-week interval following PCV13 or PCV15 vaccination.
Source: YAHOO