Reported 7 months ago
The AI system 'ChatDPP' launched by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) went offline within half a day due to system imperfections, prompting a review for quick improvements. The DPP set up a webpage to address the truth of blue and white abuse of power and introduced the AI robot 'ChatDPP' to respond to questions from netizens, with many blue lawmakers also participating in testing. Despite initially certifying that the parliamentary reform law was in accordance with procedural justice, the system malfunctioned, leading to plans for rapid improvements. The DPP aims to explain to the public how the forced passage of laws by blue and white coalitions can harm societal rights, holding 'anti-abuse of power, protect democracy' seminars nationwide, while their AI system 'ChatDPP' faced issues after going live. It was shared that the platform temporarily suspended and will be improved promptly.
Source: YAHOO