Green Party Calls for 'Calling Blue Members' as Parliamentary Reform Proposal is Rejected

Reported 8 months ago

Reported by Huang Yufan / Instantly reported in Chiayi on June 22, 2024, at 6:31 pm. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Chiayi County Party held an 'Anti-Abuse of Power, Defend Democracy' briefing at the 2nd-floor auditorium of the Innovation Institute this morning, mobilizing over a hundred local party officials. Chiayi County Mayor Weng Zhangliang stated that the current chaos in the parliament is a fight for survival, with the Kuomintang seeking to paralyze the government. Central Party Vice-Secretary General He Bowen urged everyone to call blue party legislators to exert pressure, creating a lively atmosphere with enthusiastic applause from the audience. DPP Vice-Secretary General He Bowen, Chiayi County Mayor Weng Zhangliang, legislators Cai Yiyu and Chen Guanting took the stage to speak, with the audience of officials applauding their statements.

Source: YAHOO

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