Legislation on Recall to Be Reviewed Line by Line Next Thursday, Yellow Jay Cautions: Stop It! Otherwise, Blue Camp Will Reap What It Sows in 2026

Reported 9 months ago

The Internal Affairs Committee of the Legislative Yuan will hold a public hearing on amending the Recall Law for public officials next Wednesday, followed by a line-by-line review of the law on Thursday. DPP Legislator Huang Chieh expressed concerns over the Kuomintang's urgency and fear in immediately starting with the Recall Law, urging them to stop raising the recall threshold, as it challenges the limit of public patience. She warned that if the Kuomintang continues on this path, they will definitely face consequences in 2026. Huang questioned the Kuomintang's sudden urgency to modify the law now that they themselves are facing recall, highlighting the need for them to focus on governing and earning the public's trust instead.

Source: YAHOO

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