Reported 9 months ago
The National Development Council has announced the economic light signal for May as 'yellow-red light' for the second consecutive month, with a score of 35 points remaining the same as the previous month. The council mentioned that the active demand for applications such as artificial intelligence has driven indicators like production, machinery, and electrical equipment imports which remained in the red light zone, alongside exports maintaining the green light status. Leading and coincident indicators continued to rise, indicating a sustained economic recovery domestically. Looking ahead, with gradual improvement in global end-product demand, increased willingness of customers to replenish inventory, ongoing spread of opportunities in emerging technology applications, and positive outlook on investments as enterprises remain optimistic about the future, the momentum for export growth is expected to be maintained. Furthermore, increased demand for green energy and carbon reduction equipment due to digital and net-zero transformation, steady growth in public investments, and improved domestic economic conditions maintaining stable employment and stock market prosperity are all contributing to stable private consumption. However, uncertainties such as diverging global monetary policies, escalating trade conflicts among major countries, and changing international geopolitical situations must be closely monitored in the future.
Source: YAHOO