Parliamentary Reform Bill Q&A

Reported 8 months ago

On June 24, 2024, the Executive Yuan submitted for reconsideration the parliamentary reform bill, and during a legislative session, both reconsideration proposals received 113 votes each, with all legislators present, resulting in 51 in favor and 62 against, leading to the rejection of the reconsideration. The DPP government introduced the parliamentary reform bill, prompting multiple parties to request a constitutional interpretation, with criticisms from the ruling party on granting expanded powers and infringing on basic rights, facing strong opposition from the KMT and NPP. Key Q&A coverage includes inquiries about the constitutionality of questioning the president in the Legislative Yuan, concerns about transparency with the hand-voting method, the definition of 'contempt of parliament,' and the implications of government officials making misleading statements in official proceedings.

Source: YAHOO

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