Small Tomatoes Have Lower Sugar Content Than Apples! Expert Shares Recipe for Tomato and Egg Stir-Fry to Aid Weight Loss and Slow Blood Sugar Increase

Reported 9 months ago

A nutritionist reveals that despite common beliefs, small tomatoes have lower carbohydrate content than apples making them a good choice for weight management. Small tomatoes provide only 33 kcal per 100g with 7.4g of carbohydrates and 5.1g of sugar, compared to apples which offer 51 kcal per 100g with 13.9g of carbohydrates and 11.1g of sugar. This highlights the nutritional benefits of tomatoes, high in nutrients like lycopene, beta-carotene, and vitamin C, which can protect cardiovascular health, prevent prostate inflammation, aid collagen synthesis, and prevent constipation. The article also includes a recipe for tomato and egg stir-fry recommended by the nutritionist.

Source: YAHOO

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