Successful Rowing to Ishigaki Island with Unexpected Shark Encounter while Celebrating by Jumping into the Sea with Cai Changxian, Hsu Chih-Wei, and KID

Reported 7 months ago

In a reality show collaboration between SET TV, CTV, and the National Academy for Educational Research of Japan titled 'All Aboard!', Hu Yu-Wei, Guo Hong-Zhi, Cai Changxian, KID, Rema Xidan, Zhong Yao, and Lei Aimei successfully completed a 200-kilometer canoeing challenge from Hualien to Ishigaki Island in Japan after 55 hours. While celebrating at the finish line, Cai Changxian unexpectedly encountered a bull shark behind him while jumping into the water, causing a frightful moment for the participants and a speedy return to the boat. The show also featured other challenges such as unexpected thunderstorms during the night. The celebratory press conference was held on June 13 in Ishigaki Island with notable guests present.

Source: YAHOO

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