Reported 8 months ago
Reported on June 16, 2024, at 6:01 AM, Taichung City actively cultivates professional fitness instructors. The city's Sports Bureau, in conjunction with the Ministry of Education's Sports Administration's Sport i Taiwan 2.0 program, has been conducting a two-day 'National Fitness Instructor' enhancement course at Hungkuang University since yesterday (15th). Director of the Sports Bureau, Li Yurui, expressed gratitude for the full support of the Ministry of Education's Sports Administration and Hungkuang University President Huang Yuegui, emphasizing the importance of collaboration in offering professional courses to cultivate more talents. Mayor Lu Xiuyan's focus on promoting sports and nurturing professionals led to the pre-test 'enhancement course' to assist participants in bridging the course, enhancing their sports professionalism, and encouraging more people to participate in sports.
Source: YAHOO