Reported 8 months ago
Leaks during heavy rainfall have become a recurring issue at Taipei Dome. Despite almost a year since its opening, the stadium still faces 'rain outside, rain inside' situation. Taipei City Sports Bureau mentioned the challenge in addressing the roofing leaks but stated that other leakages will be improved by the end of June. Councilor Huang Ching-ying demanded a clear timeline for improvement, while Councilor Chen You-cheng criticized the constant reminder about the leakage issues. Chiang Wan-an instructed Farglory to submit a complete review report and repair measures by the end of June and to take responsibility for stadium maintenance. Various councilors also proposed evaluation standards to avoid further controversies. Taipei Dome's leaks include roof waterfall, water accumulation at the plaza, and interior roof leaks, with the expectation for improvements by the end of June except for the complex roof leaks. Farglory is currently exploring permanent solutions while temporarily using waterproof tapes and gutter sealing methods. Chiang Wan-an urged Farglory to take action and submit a comprehensive review report and improvement measures by the 28th.
Source: YAHOO