US Security Advisor Predicts China to Invade Taiwan between 2028-2032, Urges US Government to Recognize Relationship as Cold War

Reported 7 months ago

US Homeland Security Advisor Alpelovich, who accurately predicted Putin's invasion of Ukraine, said in an interview with TVBS that China is likely to invade Taiwan between 2028-2032, suggesting the US government should acknowledge the current relationship with China as a 'Cold War'. The Defense and Foreign Ministries of Taiwan emphasized they do not speculate on mainland China's invasion timing, while Alpelovich also called for the US to continue strengthening Taiwan's asymmetric warfare capabilities and take economic actions against Beijing. The US has recently patrolled with the Coast Guard ship 'Hsinchu' in Hawaii, enhancing security exchanges between Taiwan and the US to prevent security threats from becoming reality.

Source: YAHOO

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