Wang Bajie Reappears After Drunk Driving Incident! Xie Xinying Helps Boyfriend Claim Innocence 'He Really Didn't Drink' Recounts the Situation of That Day

Reported 9 months ago

Liberty Times Net reported on June 26, 2024, at 9:35 am, that Xie Xinying attended the Taipei Film Festival event today. Wang Bajie had a collision with a tour bus on the 18th, was found to have an alcohol level of 0.44 milligrams, arrested on the spot for violating public endangerment, as he was driving Xie Xinying's car. Xie Xinying appeared for the first time post-incident today at the Taipei Film Festival event, stating she was not angry at her boyfriend because he really did not drink that day, clarifying it was a metabolic issue. She emphasized that drunk driving is wrong, and reminded people not to drink and drive, and minors not to drink alcohol.

Source: YAHOO

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