Reported 7 months ago
Directed by Stéphanie Joalland, the sci-fi thriller film 'The Quiet Hour' tells the story of Sarah defending her farm from human scavengers after an alien invasion. The movie, premiered in 2014, is available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video, offering a unique mix of survival and extraterrestrial elements. Viewers can follow Sarah's battle to protect her family's livestock and resources, amidst a post-apocalyptic world, where Earth's human population is significantly reduced. The cast includes Dakota Blue Richards, Karl Davies, Jack McMullen, Brigitte Millar, and Zeb Moore. To watch 'The Quiet Hour' on Amazon Prime Video, users will need to sign up for a Prime Video membership. The synopsis portrays a gripping tale of resistance against alien invaders and bandits in a remote part of England. Check the current streaming availability as services are subject to change.
Source: YAHOO