Black Comedy Drama 'Our Home' Unfolds Dramatic Plot, Lee Hye-young and Kim Hee-sun Shine in Mother-in-Law Showdown

Reported 5 months ago

Starring Kim Hee-sun and Lee Hye-young, the dark comedy drama 'Our Home' redefines the perspective of 'family' and 'family members', resonating with different generations. The story kicks off dramatically with mother-in-law Hong Si-kang (played by Lee Hye-young) behaving suspiciously after the unexpected death of her son-in-law, setting her up as a suspect. Lee Hye-young brilliantly portrays the suffocating yet almost obsessive motherly love of Hong Si-kang, and her character growth towards understanding that true love is quietly caring from the sidelines. Kim Hee-sun, on the other hand, plays Lu Young-won, a family psychotherapist dedicated to protecting her family, facing intense situations with a calm demeanor and unique humor. Premiering on July 20th on Longhua Idol Channel MOD353, the drama features a stellar cast including Kim Hee-sun, Lee Hye-young, and Jin Nam-hee, offering a fresh take on family dynamics and relationships.

Source: YAHOO

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