Bhutan's Modernization Journey Spin-off: Rock Musician Transforming into Powerful Monk, Unruly Senior Monk Uncontrolled while Filming

Reported 7 months ago

Bhutanese rock band Misty Terrace's lead vocalist, Tandin Wongchuk, shaved his head to play a young monk for the film 'Bhutan Does Not Have Guns.' The audience has been intrigued by whether the young monk in the movie is authentic. The director, Palden Tshering, revealed that Tandin is the lead singer of Misty Terrace and initially auditioned for a tour guide role but was later convinced to play the young monk. On the other hand, the senior monk in the movie, Gesang Choden, is actually a local venerable abbot who was encountered by the director during a location scout and eventually agreed to participate in the film.

Source: YAHOO

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