Reported 8 months ago
In New Taipei City, the Far Eastern Plaza in Xizhi reportedly experienced a 'food poisoning incident' linked to Hung House Curry, prompting the health bureau to order the shop to cease operations. A young couple shared that their child began vomiting and having diarrhea after dining there, with a fever of 40 degrees Celsius and over 20 instances of diarrhea. The child was hospitalized, with tests showing Salmonella bacteria in the blood and feces, confirming food poisoning. This marks the second reported incident in a year, leading to the immediate closure of Hung House Curry for improvements and regulatory approval before reopening. Samples have been collected for testing, and legal action may follow if food poisoning is confirmed.衛生局食品控制科科長楊舒秦 expressed concerns and precautions are being taken seriously.
Source: YAHOO