Reported 9 months ago
Yesterday, the owner of a pet shop in Neihu, Taipei City, tragically took his own life, sparking public concern. Taipei City Councilor Ho Meng-Hua revealed on Facebook that back in March, he had learned about the difficulties faced by the pet shop in obtaining a business registration due to the need for consent from surrounding residents. Despite efforts to mediate with various authorities, including the local district office, commercial department, and neighborhood chief, to find a solution, ultimately, no resolution was reached. Ho Meng-Hua expressed shock and sadness over the incident, mentioning that his office assistant even saw the owner walking his dog the night before the tragedy. The article further discusses the owner's struggles with registration issues and conflicts with neighbors, leading to the unfortunate event. Neihu Police Precinct initially ruled out foul play and the prosecutor's office conducted an autopsy with no doubts on the cause of death. The news concludes by providing suicide prevention helpline numbers and encourages seeking help when needed.
Source: YAHOO