Cloud Leopard Energy Stock under Attention! Mandatory Disclosure of May Earnings Reports Loss of 0.08 Yuan per Share

Reported 9 months ago

Cloud Leopard Energy stock (6869) was put on the watchlist after being forced by the Stock Exchange to disclose its May earnings. The company reported a revenue of 257 million yuan in May, with a pre-tax loss of 17 million yuan and a net loss of 10 million yuan attributable to the parent company, resulting in a loss of 0.08 yuan per share. The surge in stock price led to the company being placed on the watchlist, as it has risen more than 30% in the past six trading days since its listing on June 19. Cloud Leopard Energy is engaged in renewable energy and circular economy integration services, with a focus on various projects including solar energy, energy storage, wind power generation, green energy trading, biomass energy generation, and water treatment.

Source: YAHOO

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