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IATA Opposes Changing Convention on Airline Taxation

Reported 4 months ago

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) opposes changing the convention on how global airlines are taxed, cautioning that taxing airlines in the countries where they generate revenue instead of their headquarters could lead to complexity, costs, and the potential abandonment of routes. IATA Director General Willie Walsh emphasized that such changes could result in less revenue for developing countries and increased burdens for national airlines, with minimal benefits. The UN committee is considering revisions to the taxation system, with IATA stressing the importance of maintaining the current exclusive residence-based taxation system for the airlines' sustainability and profitability.

Source: YAHOO

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Reported 4 months ago


Source: YAHOO

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Keith Gill's Reddit post reveals $116 million GameStop bet, stock soars 90%

Reported 4 months ago

GameStop shares surged 21% as 'Roaring Kitty' returned to Reddit with a post showing a $116 million bet, closing at $28 after reaching 75% during the session. Keith Gill, the influencer behind the 2021 retail trading frenzy, revealed a GameStop holding of 5 million shares, increasing his position value to $260 million. The surge puts GameStop short sellers on track for nearly $1 billion in paper losses, prompting speculation over Gill's influence on meme stocks again.

Source: YAHOO

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RNT Health Insights'胃癌檢測工具獲得FDA突破性設備認定

Reported 4 months ago

RNT Health Insights是總部位於印度的臨床階段醫學診斷公司,其早期胃癌檢測工具已獲得美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)的突破性設備認定(BDD)。該技術旨在在常規內視鏡檢查過程中實時檢測出上消化道的任何病變,包括胃癌的早期徵兆,如胃萎縮、結節、息肉、腫塊和胃內的生長物。RNT Health Insights的早期胃癌檢測工具擁有96%的準確性,有助於提高胃癌的檢測準確性,提高患者的生存率。這項FDA BDD將促進更快的審查過程,可能加速這項技術面向醫療服務提供者和患者的可用性。

Source: YAHOO

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New Jersey senior sues Atlantic City casino after $2.5 million jackpot denied

Reported 4 months ago

Rony Beal, a 72-year-old senior from New Jersey, was left devastated after hitting a $2.5 million jackpot on a Wheel of Fortune slot machine at Bally's Atlantic City Hotel & Casino, only to have it denied due to a 'reel tilt' malfunction. Despite being offered a mere $350, Beal is preparing to sue the casino, claiming the machine was tampered with to void her win. The casino and the machine manufacturer, IGT, have been uncooperative, leading to Beal's attorney gearing up to file a lawsuit to secure her rightful prize.

Source: YAHOO

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Reported 4 months ago

根據某華爾街分析師的話,除了英偉达,還有其他股票可以考慮投資。他們看好超微電腦(NASDAQ: SMCI)和雪花(NYSE: SNOW)的潛力,這兩家公司都有機會在人工智慧領域賺錢。超微電腦的股價目標是每股1500美元,相對於目前每股784美元,有91%的上升空間;摩根士丹利的分析師則將雪花的牛市價格目標定在每股345美元,相對於目前每股136美元,有154%的上升空間。雪花的總裁安德魯·布魯姆還將公司全年指引調整到每股24美元的增長,這意味著公司在數據分析以及人工智慧解決方案領域的表現可能會非常不錯。

Source: YAHOO

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American Ninja Warrior Season 17 Release Date & Updates

Reported 4 months ago

American Ninja Warrior is a US adaptation of the Japanese reality show Sasuke, where contestants tackle physical obstacles. While Season 17 doesn't have an official release date, NBC is likely to announce it in the future, considering the show's popularity. The hosts are Matt Iseman and Akbar Gbajabiamila. The series could air on NBC, similar to past seasons, and the winner receives a grand prize of $1 million.

Source: YAHOO

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Consequences of Skipping Jury Duty

Reported 4 months ago

Skipping jury duty can result in various consequences depending on the judge, such as a $500 fine or possible contempt of court charges. However, the court's main goal is to encourage people to respond to questionnaires and show up for duty, rather than prosecuting them. Serving on a jury is considered an important constitutional right by experts, and individuals can be excused with a reasonable excuse. Despite the historical rarity of fines for skipping jury duty, it is still crucial to respond to summonses as required by law to uphold the cornerstone of American rights. Experts emphasize the importance and educational value of serving on a jury as part of the justice system and civic duty.

Source: YAHOO

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Avoid These 2 Mistakes Amid the Stock Market Surge

Reported 4 months ago

The S&P 500 has broken 24 record highs in 2024 driven by factors like anticipated interest rate cuts and AI excitement. The article warns investors against avoiding stocks for fear of a market correction, citing historical data showing the market tends to push even higher after reaching an all-time high. It also cautions against ignoring valuations when buying stocks, highlighting the dangers of getting carried away by stock market momentum and buying overpriced stocks. Investors are advised to consider a stock's intrinsic value and historical ratios before making investment decisions.

Source: YAHOO

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Investing in Semiconductor Industry: Top Stocks to Consider

Reported 4 months ago

The article from The Motley Fool highlights the potential for superior returns in the stock market by investing in strong companies in the semiconductor industry, particularly in data centers and AI technologies. Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA) and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (NYSE: TSM) are identified as top investment options, with Nvidia focusing on AI chips and GPUs with high growth potential, and TSMC being a profitable chip manufacturer with solid competitive advantages to meet the demand for advanced chip technologies, especially in AI applications.

Source: YAHOO

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Line Walker: 在Amazon Prime Video上觀看和串流

Reported 4 months ago

「Line Walker」是2016年的動作驚悚電影,由Jazz Boon執導,劇情取材自2014年同名電視劇,講述多名秘密探員的故事,他們的身份從警方數據庫中被刪除。這部電影可透過Amazon Prime Video串流觀看,主演包括Nick Cheung、Louis Koo、Francis Ng、Charmaine Sheh和Hui Shiu-Hung。想要觀看《Line Walker》,可以通過Amazon Prime Video來觀賞。

Source: YAHOO

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JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley意見分歧:股票收益展望

Reported 4 months ago

根據彭博消息,JPMorgan和摩根士丹利的策略師對未來幾個月美股進一步上漲的投資者持不同看法。JPMorgan的策略師指出股市上限可能在夏季受到限制,因一致預測為通縮,與對不發生降息和盈利加速的信念之間的矛盾。摩根士丹利的Michael Wilson則表示,政府債務將繼續推動支出,短期內將通脹資產價格,包括股票,只要債券市場不出現任何緊張信號。兩家銀行提供不同的投資策略建議,暗示對股票市場走勢的不確定性。

Source: YAHOO

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Stock Futures Mixed as Market Looks Toward Jobs Data

Reported 4 months ago

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Haason Reddick缺席紐約傑茲的OTAs

Reported 4 months ago

當紐約傑茲的傳球手哈森·雷迪克在三月通過與鷹隊的交易抵達時,他說無論發生什麼事,他都會開心。但沒有新合同,雷迪克沒有出席紐約傑茲的有組織團隊活動(OTAs)。雷迪克沒有參加媒體開放的任何季前活動,據ESPN的Rich Cimini報導。雷迪克並未表示他的缺席與合同有關,但有人猜測他想要一份新合同。OTAs是自願的,但大多數球員都會參加。傑茲在2018年與鷹隊簽約的三年合同的最後一年中收購了雷迪克。該合同要求雷迪克在本季賺取1500萬美元。這筆錢沒有任何保證,所以雷迪克肯定不希望冒任何可能使紐約傑茲裁員的風險,盡管這看起來不太可能。雷迪克展示了在任何環境中立即產生影響的能力,在2020年為基多人隊取得12.5次擒獲,2021年為豹隊取得11次擒獲,2022年為鷹隊取得16次擒獲以及在2023年另外一支鷹隊的防守中取得11次擒獲。傑茲希望他在2024年再次在新環境中產生這種影響。傑茲的強制迷你訓練營將在6月11日開始。

Source: YAHOO

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Reported 4 months ago


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Google invests $5 billion in tech infrastructure in Singapore

Reported 4 months ago

Google announced the completion of its data centre and cloud facilities expansion in Singapore, revealing a total investment of $5 billion in the country. The data centres in Singapore employ over 500 people and support services like Google Search and Maps. Additionally, Google recently stated a $2 billion investment plan in Malaysia for its inaugural data centre.

Source: YAHOO

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Understanding Duanwu Festival Ancestral Worship Customs

Reported 4 months ago

Duanwu Festival ancestral worship is an important tradition where offerings and rituals differ based on the deity being honored, typically involving various foods, fruits, and incense. Specific guidelines for worshipping different entities like gods, ancestors, and land deities are outlined, along with taboos to avoid such as using odd numbers of zongzi and respecting specific procedures for each type of worship. The article also touches on the increased demand for zongzi during the festival and provides insights into the necessary preparations and rituals for a successful Duanwu Festival worship experience.

Source: YAHOO

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Euro zone製造業在五月展現潛在復甦跡象,PMI數據顯示

Reported 4 months ago

根據一項調查結果,上個月歷時已久的歐元區製造業衰退可能已翻轉,新訂單速度下降至兩年來最緩慢水平,增強了企業信心。由S&P Global編制的HCOB歐元區製造業採購經理人指數(PMI)在五月上升至47.3,較四月的45.7略有增加,低於50標誌著活動增長的水平,已持續23個月。輸出指數從四月的47.3上升至49.3的14個月高點,雖然低於49.6的初步估計。這可能標誌著製造業的轉折點,該行業即將中止自2023年四月以來持續的生產下降。

Source: YAHOO

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Netflix續訂《Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar》第二季

Reported 4 months ago

Netflix宣布續訂印度大製作劇集《Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar》第二季。該Sanjay Leela Bhansali系列自5月1日在Netflix上播出後,在首週成為觀看人數最多的印度劇集,在43個國家的排行榜中進入前10名。該劇持續位於全球前10名(非英語)榜單中,並確定將推出第二季。製作方和Netflix相繼發表表述對該系列獲得的成功的感謝之情,並宣布第二季的回歸。

Source: YAHOO

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Reported 4 months ago

據知情人士透露,線上時尚零售商Shein正籌備在倫敦進行機密招股,以估值約500億英鎊(640億美元)計劃上市。尚未確定招股的時間,而此次招售進展的消息是在英國政府可能發生變革之前傳出的。有關Shein的IPO談話因英國宣布7月4日大選而再次浮現,目前與工黨陰影工商大臣Jonatha在內的人士有多次會面。Shein成立於中國,現今總部設在新加坡。該公司尚未對Bloomberg News就IPO置評。

Source: YAHOO

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Reported 4 months ago

康沃尔女子在郡锦标赛半决赛中输给了杜伦,错失了前往特威克纳姆的机会。东道主在最后16分钟内攻入三次尝试,以25-17获胜。尽管Tia Larson、Joey Sandercock和Becky Bennett的尝试在比赛还剩20分钟时让康沛领先17-10,但东道主在比赛的最后阶段表现过于强劲,攻入三个不换算的尝试,进入决赛并有机会晋级顶级联赛。康沛将继续停留在第二级联赛,连续第三年保持此等级,他们在2022年赢得了郡锦标赛的第三级。

Source: YAHOO

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Reported 4 months ago

埃里克森宣布美國反腐敗合規監控已結束。該計劃持續四年,目的是監督埃里克森遵守美國反腐敗協議。監控的任命源於2020年的獨立監察員,此前該公司與美國司法部達成和解,解決了對其在中國、越南和吉布提的涉嫌腐敗的調查。監察員一直在評估瑞典公司的全球反腐敗合規計劃和內部控制。埃里克森表示,監察員在2024年3月28日向司法部表示,埃里克森的反腐敗合規計劃已滿足要求並有效運作。CEO Borje Ekholm表示,這是我們改善組織的重要里程碑。過去四年,我們實施了重要的合規要求和流程。埃里克森的股價在格林威治標準時間0723上漲1.9%,表現優於斯德哥爾摩基準股指0.9%的上漲。

Source: YAHOO

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Heard on the Street Friday Recap: Server Reboot

Reported 4 months ago

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Source: WSJ

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Watch SAF3 Season 1 on Amazon Prime Video

Reported 4 months ago

SAF3 Season 1 is a drama series following Rescue 3, a special team in the Malibu Fire Department, as they tackle various rescue missions. The show, available on Amazon Prime Video, features Dolph Lundgren and J.R. Martinez. The series provides subscribers with access to a library of content for $14.99 per month or $139 per year with an Amazon Prime membership, or $8.99 per month for standalone Prime Video membership.

Source: YAHOO

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Reported 4 months ago

GSK Plc的股價在法院裁決後暴跌,英國藥廠被判必須與其他公司(包括Sanofi)一同應對舊的抗酸藥Zantac是否會引發癌症的審判。GSK的股價在倫敦交易中下跌了多達10%,從GSK的市值中抹去約70億英鎊(89億美元)。這次下跌是自2022年8月另一次與Zantac有關的暴跌以來最嚴重的。這項裁決為特拉華州法院中的多項審判鋪平了道路,Zantac,一種曾經颇受歡迎的抗酸藥,已引起美國個人傷害訴訟的一片漩渦。

Source: YAHOO

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